Sunday, October 12, 2014

Freaky Fzx Friday - Antimatter

Sometimes little boys and little girls never grow up and like to smash things together in particle accelerators (Lrn Fxz) just to see what happens.  Sometimes they get antimatter out of smashing protons together at relativistic speeds.

Yeah, it's crazy.  And really tough to understand.  The existence of antimatter was proposed to exist years before it was experimentally discovered - weird things show up in math solutions and they have meaning - that often happens in modern physics.

And now for another viewpoint on antimatter from one of our favorite authors and YouTube personalities:

I remember eating Mom's homemade pizza every Saturday night while we watched re-runs of the original Star Trek series.  The warp engine supplied all the power for the ship and was based on matter-antimatter annihilation.

It's the best we can do.  All chemical reactions are puny and tiny and weak.  Fission and fusion release tiny bits of energy.  Only matter-antimatter drive engines are capable of putting out the energy required for fake space travel like Star Trek.

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