Friday, September 12, 2014

Funky Fzx Fridays

"We won't be studying that."

That's what I say any time a student asks "Are we gonna learn about ...?" because anything they want to learn just ain't part of the curriculum.  I'm glad I teach Nuclear Science because we have the opportunity to study things that hardly anybody understands.  But there are only 10 students in the class.

All the good physics we see on TV is modern physics.  All the physics we see in school is ancient physics.  And that goes for college too.  In my pursuit of a physics degree, we touched on a couple of "modern" topics sophomore year but Quantum and Special Relativity and Nuclear weren't until junior year.

So I have to say that the physics we study in class, although eminently practical, is just a tiny bit b#*ring compared to all the amazing modern physics out there.  Here's a video on the topic from minutephysics:

So what do we do?  Some have suggested that we change the curriculum but I say we just spice it up.  Let's spend 10 or 15 minutes once a week with a quick video and discussion on some mind-blowing physics topic we won't ever study in class.  Let's be honest - we all waste at least that much time every week so let's get more efficient and fill these minds of mush with the amazing world of modern physics.

"Funky Fzx Fridays" was a student suggestion so we'll go with that for now.

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