Thursday, October 16, 2014

Freaky Fzx Friday - Black Holes

We love our puny yellow sun.  Thousands of millions of years of the same sun with earth at 93 million miles make Earth quite habitable for lots of bugs and a few of us.

Our sun is pretty big,

but wonderfully tiny compared to other local stars.

It's actually unimaginably small. 

Because of its size, our sun will never become that powerhouse of the universe - a black hole.  

This is the process of formation:

and The Ellen Show on Black Holes:

The gravitational field of the black hole, however, is only ridiculously huge at distances much closer than the radius of the former star.  At large distances, the g field is actually weaker since there was a loss of mass.  

But don't get close.  You'd most likely be ripped apart well before you reached the event horizon beyond which even light does not escape.

So when you find a black hole on your summer vacation, run away.  Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

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