Friday, May 22, 2015

Freaky Fzx Friday - Schrodinger's Pet

Schrodinger's cat is so popular she's on T-shirts.

dead AND alive

Since teeny tiny things don't obey Newton's Laws, different equations govern the quantum world of the amazingly small.  In the 1920s, quantum equations and experiments were leading physicists to conclude that a particle could exist in multiple quantum states simultaneously.  It was a difficult paradox that brought forth important questions.

  • Does our observation determine the state of a particle?  Observation kills the cat. 
  • Or is the state of a particle already determined and our observation just gives us more information?  We just open the box to find the dead cat.
Schrodinger's thought experiment demonstrated a big debate in the quantum universe and the very different ways in which particles and cats act.  His quantum idea is related to wave-particle duality:  Electrons are sometimes waves.  Electromagnetic waves are sometimes particles.  Both are sometimes a superimposed state of WaveAndParticle at once.

Schrodinger's thought experiment, now a popular interpretation of the quantum world, goes like this:

The point is that the tiny object world acts quite different from our big object world.  Just remember that the quantum world is just as real as you and your favorite pet.

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