Friday, September 25, 2015

Freaky Fzx Friday - Multiple Personalities of Light

Gollum vs. Smeagol in "Lord of the Rings."

Light and everything else on the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum have dual personalities just like Gollum.

Part 1

Part 2

And that's why radio waves don't cause cancer.  Only some EM waves can ionize.

Only the EM waves at the right in the above diagram have enough energy to knock electrons out of molecules and change DNA.  But ONLY WHEN THEY ACT AS PARTICLES.

And that's the point.  The dual nature of the entire EM spectrum shows us that anything lower than UV cannot cause cancer because their PARTICLES don't have enough energy.  In this case, we must consider their particle nature.

The name for those EM particles?  PHOTONS.

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