Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thrift Shop Dumpsters

There's always something new at the thrift shop.

Most of the time you don't even want to buy anything but it's entertaining to gawk in wonder at the objects people spend money on, never use, and generously donate to the thrift store.  But the prices are so good you feel like you can't walk out with just one favorite item.  I have the same problem at the $$ store.

Did you ever notice the monster dumpster behind every thrift shop?  Some people feel bad throwing things away so they have the local shop do it for them.

Then again, some thrifty employees feel the same way so refuse fills rack and shelf.  One man's garbage is another man's treasure, right?  But mostly one man's garbage is just plain garbage.

And haven't you always wondered about that characteristic thrift store smell?  That was one of the mysteries of my universe until I saw a blanket on a line being sprayed with some sort of industrial febreeze from one of those hand pump insecticide sprayers.  "Musty (fe)Breeze" should be the next Ralph Lauren scent for the local hipsters who take pride in conserving water and not laundering themselves or their previously enjoyed polyester.

Anyway, Friday's men's day at the local St Vincent de Paul.  So I'll see you there.

"I'm gonna pop some tags
Only got twenty dollaz in my pocket..."

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