Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Anniversary - A Decade in the US

It was the afternoon of December 17, 2004 that Kristel Orzuza arrived at the Pittsburgh International Airport.  She had a fiancee visa but I wasn't about to give her a ring unless she was content with the cold, the English, and the family that comes with that permanent bond that's often more krazy than glue.

We had met on the first weekend of July in Paraguay the year before and started dating a few months later.

It wasn't until  a month after she arrived here that I decided to take the plunge.  Get hitched.  Tie the knot.  Get shackled to the ball and chain.  We planned and executed a small wedding in 52 days and officially started our lives together.  Then we did it again the next year.  Know anybody else who got married to the same person twice in two countries?

         New Castle, Pennsylvania, USA                     Asuncion, Paraguay

The adventures have been wonderful and the memories fill my mind.  We've got three great kids and a wonderful life.

I have way too many bicycles, too few motorcycles, and I get live music every day.

Musical Instrument Day in Fzx class

Medieval instruments in ancient clothing

Gracias, mi amor.  Casado contigo estoy feliz.


  1. Your family has a wonderful story! Congratulations!

  2. Me pone feliz leer esto! y yo soy la protagonista principal de la historia!
