Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tek Tip 2sD #4 - HAMMER drill TIME

It's Hammer Time

Now this is a drill!  Bit.

It's the one I use to drill through the 11" brick exterior walls of my house to put in bathroom fan vents and kitchen drain vents.  Variable speed trigger:

Forward-Reverse selector lever:

The "chuck key" for tightening the bits in the "three-jawed chuck":

The cutting portion of the drill bit is at the tip.  See the chisel-like blade?

There are two blades and they only work with the bit spinning clockwise from the driller's perspective.

The spiral cuts in the bit are to remove the cut material from the hole.  Like the blade, they only work clockwise.

I use this drill in hammer-mode

since the masonry bit has a hardened chisel blade insert designed to be hammered into the rock.  The drill hammers forward as it spins and chisels out little bits of stone at every hammer strike.

Then the spiral removes the cut material.  Note that the cutting blade is wider than the spiral shaft.

That masonry bit does NOT work well when it's used in a regular drill.  Try it some time.  Then try it in hammer mode and it'll cut like buttah.

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