Friday, March 4, 2016

Freaky Fzx Friday - Medical Radioisotopes

This is the periodic table.  You study it extensively in Chemistry and we begin Nuclear Science with a quick review of it.

That's all about the electrons and the valence shells and how atoms interact to form molecules.  Below is the chart of the nuclides and it's all about the nuclei and their masses and modes of radioactive decay.  Every tiny block is a different nucleus.

Radioactive Nuclei are useful for lots of things.  Not only good for weapons and nuclear electricity generation, nuclei are commonly used in medicine and industry.

First, a reminder about radiation - it's mostly good.

And even the "bad" gamma rays can be used for good.

Different radioactive nuclei have different uses.  Here's another story.

And it all got a kickstart with the discovery of the neutron just before FDR and Hitler began their very different legacies.

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